“I never thought I’d see the day” – Leann’s story

Leann was referred to the Better Working Futures service towards the end of the pandemic, eager to receive support and guidance with getting herself job-ready and back into employment. This was a difficult time for Leann, as she was struggling with mental health and anxiety, and she didn’t feel confident looking for work.

Identifying Leann’s barriers and creating a plan of action to break these down, Employment Adviser, Meera was on hand to get to know and support Leann on her journey back into work. Prioritising her health, Leann attended the Better Working Futures wellbeing sessions and workshops, which supported her with mental health, social engagement, and one to one support. During these sessions, Leann was able to find a new approach to her lifestyle and gain self-belief and confidence in herself.

The next step for Leann was to assess her transferrable skills and what jobs she would like to consider applying for. Leann told us:

“My Employment Adviser, Meera, has been an amazing support blanket for me over the last year. At the beginning, I found it hard just to leave my home, let alone come into the office for my appointments. After going through a difficult time, I had lost all confidence, in myself and my life, and had a lot of doubt about myself.

“Better Working Futures helped me in more ways than one, and I can honestly say I believe their team were my guardian angels! Meera was so supportive and offered me a wide range of avenues to explore, develop and better myself, which resulted in me getting a job at a local school.”

“I never thought I’d see the day, but here I am writing this after my first day at work in over 10 years! Thank you all so much, you have been fantastic!”