Seeing things in a different light – Natasha’s story

When Natasha joined Better Working Futures, she expressed how she had been struggling with mental health, lack of confidence, and self-worth, which was impacting her approach to work and her job search.

Our Health and Wellbeing Adviser, Sam, worked with Natasha on improving her mental health through individual sessions, which positively impacted her personal skills and improved her confidence. Natasha then felt able to progress onto group sessions, with continued support from Sam which brought her together with like minded participants and helped build on her social skills.

Continuing to focus on her social skills, Natasha's Employment Adviser, Faye found a volunteering opportunity which involved befriending lonely older people. “I introduced this placement to Natasha as she had started talking about how her life would look going into work. Natasha has a passion for care work, so this was an ideal stepping stone for her, plus she is a very friendly, funny, and chatty lady.”

Natasha volunteered on the placement for two months, until she began job-searching with Faye for paid employment. Completing our in-house courses - interview skills and techniques, application forms, workplace ethics, and CV workshops - Natasha had now shifted her focus to her employability skills, and she felt ready to start applying for jobs.

Natasha applied for a role in Care, and the team helped her to feel confident about her interview by providing vouchers for interview clothes and practising interview techniques. Faye said:

Three days after her interview, Natasha was offered the job! I am so proud of how far she has come in just over a year, she really deserves this opportunity, and has worked so hard. I know she will become a great care assistant.”

Following a in-work support call, Natasha told us:

“Taking part in Better Working Futures, with the help and support of Faye and the team, has really helped me overcome my barriers, including my mental health and social skills. They’ve given me the opportunity to volunteer with Age UK and supported me with finding a job role as a Care Assistant. I now see things in a different light, and I am extremely thankful for everything Faye and the team have done to help me get to where I am now.”